From MoD Resettlement to Project Management
The journey to project management can seem like a daunting one. Is it as complex and difficult as it seems? No, it just needs a bit of demystifying…
Established since 2001 Wellingtone is a project management consultancy that works with organisations of all sizes and industries across the globe, including the Wellingtone Academy supported by an active community enabling learners to develop, share, and grow before, during, and after their training experience.
Here we discuss how Service-leavers can find success in the project management sector.
Project management can seem like a particularly tricky discipline to the uninitiated because of the unfamiliar language that includes lots of acronyms, and terminology that seldom makes sense outside of the industry. At the heart of it all, is common sense and a knack for coordination of activities; planning, communicating, and controlling aspects of projects.
The project management office (PMO) is a term used in most organisations as 90% have at least one of them. This (typically) centralised team usually create, own, and maintain the standard process, templates, and support mechanisms for project managers to use. They sometimes also train and coach them.
The Association for Project Management
The Association for Project Management is the chartered body for the profession in the United Kingdom, so their qualifications create a path to chartership that can future-proof your career.
See: www.apm.org.uk

Project management qualifications should support a learner’s journey based on a competence framework that looks at both knowledge and experience. Experience is essential though; remember that a course does not make a project manager!
Project management as a life skill
The APM considers project management as a life skill. This is not to devalue the discipline, but to make it more accessible to all.
If you have ever organised a wedding, built a house or hosted a party, the chances are you have already done some project management. Even on deployment, you will have had to plan, deal with ambiguity, communicate, and control a situation; all of which are aspects of the project world.
Embarking on your project management journey with Wellingtone means that you are supported by a safe peer group of people who have walked your path. So, if you are unsure what your next step is, or just want to hone your skills, our Wellingtone project management specialists can take you through the options.
The sky is the limit
Many former Service personnel have moved into the project management industry because elements of it are familiar to them. The degree to which you can apply discipline, structure, communication and control can lead to very senior roles in large organisations.
You can find yourself working on projects and programmes that deliver social good, improved infrastructure, better access to services, and ultimately, help communities to develop and thrive.
Project management is a global industry so it can keep you at home or take you abroad. The sky really is the limit.

Get in touch and find out more about how Wellingtone can support your resettlement journey.
Email: academy@Wellingtone.co.uk
Visit: www.wellingtone.co.uk