Bolt Burdon Kemp – Launching the Veterans’ Resettlement Hub

Bolt Burdon Kemp – Launching the Veterans’ Resettlement Hub

Off By Ed Hanna

Bolt Burdon Kemp is privileged and happy to be sponsoring the Armed Forces Day edition of Civvy Street Magazine.

Civvy Street Magazine has, for many years, provided Service-leavers with invaluable guidance and support about how to transition to civilian life. This has never been an easy process, despite the fact that Service personnel often leave the Forces better trained and educated. Many of the skills acquired through Service are transferable and civilian employers are increasingly seeing the benefit of employing Service-leavers. However, there is room for improvement and employers need to be better educated about the benefits of employing Veterans. It is not just your skills and education from which they can benefit, but also your work ethic, courage and teamwork. It is your mindset that makes the difference between a Service person and a civilian, and it is that mindset that will be your greatest asset when transitioning to civilian life.

Of course, for those who may be leaving the Forces with an injury or rehabilitation needs, the transition experience can be very challenging and sometimes feel impossible. Many are left to rely on charities for support, and those charities are well-meaning but stretched.

Experience supporting Veterans
At Bolt Burdon Kemp, we have more than 35 years of experience in helping support seriously injured Service personnel and their families; whatever the circumstances, whether they were hurt physically during a training accident or psychologically, as a result of operational deployments.

In this same tradition, we are very happy to announce the launch of our Veterans’ Resettlement Hub. This is a free resource for Service personnel and Veterans. It provides guidance at the click of a button on a variety of issues, such as how to find a job, how to sort out your housing needs, and how to access financial and other support for you and your family. We also provide a free initial legal advice service for those who have been injured during their Service. We hope you find it a useful resource and that you share it with your friends, network and the Armed Forces community.

Service personnel deserve our respect and the very best support, and we will continue to campaign for your legal rights.

We wish you and your loved ones a happy and memorable Armed Forces Day.

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