Embark on a new adventure with the Royal Navy

Embark on a new adventure with the Royal Navy

Off By Ed Hanna

Are you currently Serving or have previously Served in the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army or the RAF? If the answer is yes and you are considering a change in career, then we may have some exciting opportunities for you!

Is civilian life not what you thought? Do you feel unfulfilled in your current role or are you coming to the end of your current Armed Forces contract and looking to extend your Service? We are recruiting into all branches of the Royal Navy including the Royal Marines and can offer further bespoke contracts (dependent on age and experience) to personnel with current or previous Military Service. All we ask is that you are medically fully deployable, have no unspent criminal convictions, not previously discharged for CDT failure or SNL and are ready to embark on a new adventure. 

When considering your application, recognition is given for your previous Military experience, rank and qualifications, meaning you can expect to receive a similar pay to your previous/current Military role. You will also carry over any LSA days you have accrued while on deployment, tours or exercises. Don’t worry as your skill set will be fully scrutinised by the career managers and you will receive a full, bespoke training package before you embark on your new sea-going adventure. Some roles, particularly in engineering, can even offer contracts up to 60 years old. 

If the role of elite Royal Marine Commando is more for you and you have not already earned your coveted green beret, providing you are under the age of 32, we would welcome an application from you. You would be required to undertake full Commando recruit training, but the bonus is your pay will reflect your previous experience.

Marine Engineers conduct Machinery Breakdown Drills.

Here at the Royal Navy Re-Joiners and Inter-Service Team (RISTT), we welcome all applications but are actively looking for engineers and chefs with previous Military experience for both Submariner and General Service roles, and in some cases we may be able to offer a financial incentive. Former Royal Navy Caterers who left as OR2-4 between 2 June 2019 and 31 Aug 2023, may be offered a re-join bounty of £20,000 (gross) with a three year return of Service.

Applications from former Royal Marines will be considered up to the age of 38 but are dependent on Rank/Rate and your break in Service.

If you would like to know more, please search: ‘RN Re-Joiners or RN Service Transfers’ online, or alternatively, you can email us directly at: NAVYRA-REJOINERSMAILBOX@mod.gov.uk