Diverse paths to Civvy Street

Diverse paths to Civvy Street

Off By Fixed

Distribution training & safety manager, Mick, and operations manager, Andy, share advice on finding the right role, and their work at AB Agri.

What advice do you wish you’d had when you left the Military?
Many principles from the Military apply in civilian workplaces – being structured and methodical is just as important in logistics and operations. But there’s a different way of thinking to grasp. Ask lots of questions about the organisation’s culture and try to visit the environment to really get a feel for it.
Mick: When you’re used to that structure of being pointed in the right direction, you’ll need to get comfortable making more independent decisions, but the qualities you bring will help you stand out and progress quickly. Be open-minded!

What attracted you to agriculture and AB Agri?
Agriculture has similarities with the Armed Forces – being lean and efficient as a team. In feed milling and manufacturing, you get that camaraderie and the similar physical environment too. Here, I feel part of a team and can balance my role with family life.
Mick: It was a logical next step from my background in training and transport management. AB Agri’s structure and work culture is ideal for me. I’m trusted to own my time and enjoy sharing knowledge while having a laugh with the drivers, just like in the Military.

There’s so much opportunity to grow alongside our AB Agri family of businesses. Get in touch with us via: www.abagri.com