NHS Veterans’ Trauma Network – dedicated care and treatment for those injured during Service
The NHS has a range of dedicated services for Veterans. This includes the Veterans’ Trauma Network, which provides care and treatment to those who have been injured during their time in Service.
The service is available in health centres across England with Veterans receiving care from Military and civilian clinicians who are experts in treating trauma injuries. As part of this, the Veterans’ Trauma Network works closely with Defence Medical Services, national centres of clinical expertise, the NHS Veterans’ Mental Health Transition, Intervention and Liaison Service and key Military charities to makes sure patients have a personalised care plan in place. As families and carers can be seriously impacted when their loved ones are injured, they are also supported to access services that may help them.
The referral process is simple. Make sure you have told your NHS GP that you have Served in the Armed Forces and then your GP can refer you by emailing: england.veteranstraumanetwork@nhs.net. For more information, email Blesma at: bsoprosthetics@blesma.org or tel: 0208548 7080. Don’t forget it is important to tell your GP that you have Served in the Armed Forces so, where appropriate, you can access this and other dedicated services for Veterans. For more information on care and treatment for Veterans, visit NHS Choices at: www.nhs.uk and type in: ‘veteran’.
NHS Veterans’ Trauma Network – dedicated care and treatment for those injured during Service “The real power of the Veterans’ Trauma Network is that it’s care for Veterans provided by Veterans.
Our clinicians looked after these patients when they were first injured and are committed to providing the same expert care now they are Veterans.”